Sunday, 12 August 2012


Pain in your body symbolizes that something needs attention it needs to be taken care off or repaired. This is also the same as the painful event that has ever happen into your life. But everything happens for a reason. If you deny the pain it fosters itself to be seen by everybody. This is the same as when someone is undergoing certain stress disorders and a person keep denying the fact, at a later stage a person just collapse. This is like a toothache the longer you leave it unattended the worse it gets and then you have to endure a lot more dramatic action like someone drilling a wall to hang curtains.
  Accept the pain, take action to heal it and you will grow faster whether emotional, spiritual and in life general. Remove postcards, photos and everything that makes you believe it is the cause of the pain. They are where you have been, replace by new photos that are making you happy and are showing a new direction of where you want to go. Stay focused stop looking where you come from but look where you going to. I just did. The stress response also helps you to rise and meet challenges.  Stress is what keep us doing our work and meet our deadlines, studying for our exams while we are suppose to be watching TV.

Andy Warhol said, “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

According to Andy Warhol in future everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes, I am not sure is saying that in what perspective, it is either in political, social and economical. But in our days there are additional unprofessional careers that are studied by our children. They are becoming famous of smoking drugs, being involved with a group of gang and become famous of house breaking and theft. They hit the headlines of the news because of the above.
When we come into pure profession I am not sure how possible could that happen to all of us, not all of us will be CEO’s and Ministers etc, etc. But sometimes I want to agree with her. The rising technology is making impossibility possible. Today’s world in terms of rising knowledge does not matter about your education level. Through smart phones even a ten year old child is having facebook, and all other social networks are available in today’s phones which are not different to computers.

Anyone anytime can make a video and upload it to be watched by the whole world, some are posting pictures on facebook which are viewed by the public and that is how I can support my statement to agree with Andy Warhol.

The world reflects how you feel

The world reflects how you currently feel about yourself; if you lift opinion and self esteem of yourself it seems there is something you gained for a day. If you lower your opinion and your confidence the world is doing exactly what you are doing to yourself. The world mirrors what you think and everything seems to be negative. The truth is since I changed the way of thinking I began to think positive and everything happening in the world turn to reflect how I feel.
If you have a low self esteem this means everything that 
surrounds you has no direction, you have no energy to clean your house or make yourself looks beautiful. If you have wishes to dress to be noticed you will then hide that because of insecurity. These examples might not be true because others are born in that a situation then it affects their environmental growth.

You need to be very careful of what things you do in your

 life to please other people instead of yourself, and how

 these things differ from what you would ideally like in

 your personal environment. However most of the time

 people need to be pleased are parents and spouses. 

A skill set called leadership.

A leader must have the following characters in order to acquire leadership skills:

- Be approachable
- Be motivational
- Be apologetic
- Be able to delegate and work as team
- Be accessible
A leader needs to lead transformational not transactional. When a leader is leading through leadership skills there will be no contracts signed aside, a leader will lead revolutionary an example of a leader who leaded revolutionary is Dr Nelson Mandela. He is SA Icon; he is our logo and many other things that I might not be able to write down now. He is not the only leader with such skills I just chose him as an example we have leaders such as Thabo Mbeki, Helen Zille, Winnie Madikizela- Mandela and Desmond Tutu. 

“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
 Nelson MandelaLong Walk to Freedom: Autobiography of Nelson Mandela

A leader can lead in a two way process it is either on a positive way or on a negative way. There are so many leaders the leave their lives to misled people and people realized when it is too late to turn back. Our focal area today will not be on those who mislead people because they are not building but destroying. Our Nation today is living the free-life of the freedom of speech; of human rights we salute those leaders who acquired a set of leadership skills. Maybe by now as I am writing this peace I should have never got this chance but to remain slavery in a sort of being domestic worker for misleaders.  

Friday, 10 August 2012


You are only a failure when you stop trying. Never give up in life. Every-time we mess up we withdraw points. Every-time we do something great we praise ourselves. This is same applies when you give up in life you are a failure. We need to enjoy being down and disappointed. There is nothing with being upset, depressed or down. When you accept that you had a bad day just decides to live with it and the day will pass. There is always a reason why you get down and upset. Listen to yourself and choose the right thing to do in that way you will never give up and be told that you are a failure.
Failure breeds success when a person or company realize that is failing if this is noticed early the company quickly warns the investors about the flop that might happen, after that they quickly work on a plan not to allow to fall down. An example Coke was once in this situation but they noticed the problem and they spoke about it, investors prepared themselves but they overcome the obstacles. 

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa) – Comment

This comment from Frank Zappa must have been given a great impression in many people who come across it. There are so many ways of passing a message to different audiences of which I think Zappa meant it. Messages that can be passed through different types of music instruments namely; jazz, choral music, drums, pianist and all other material useful to pass the message. These were people who are not literally educated; they were using their natural brains to make their voice heard. 

They were talented individuals. Such people know how to interpret messages from people who can’t write and interviewing people who can’t talk and read. This is what was meant by Zappa. Now that I am writing about it clearly make sense. In the past decades people were not educated and some of them were even reluctant to go to school. These people knew how to interpret messages through many ways that the musician, poet can sing his song or praise his poem. 

Zappa’s comment was quoted in order for people to open eyes wide, not to look at what is in front of them, or let me say to think out of the box. That is what the quote “Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” meant. In the past years when elders were saying something they talking in parables, in today’s world it is up to us if we want to understand the meaning or not.

Thank you Zappa for this quote!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 6 August 2012


When you stayed focused on your goals you will never miss a step. It does not matter for how long does it take to reach them but the important thing is to set your goals and standards. It is one and the same as when one has no goals or when you reach one goal you forget about the new ones. If new goals are not set this means a person is living a reversed reaction life. It is like you are in a steering wheel looking at the rearview mirror, always looking at what is coming at your back and forget about what you are going in in-front of you. 
No one can damage your self esteem unless you give it permission. The pin code of how do you want to live your life within you is known by you only. If you cannot accept who you are and set goals and standards for which you are no one will. Goal setting is about your ideal future. And motivating yourself to turn your vision and fulfill your dreams to reality. Setting goals is a powerful tool to success it is like budgeting which is a powerful tool to fight poorness. Goals are normally known for sport, I am not talking about those ones today I am talking about the plans you have in your future.


If you always criticize yourself you are lowering your altitude. You need to be gentle on yourself and watch how you quickly overcome some obstacles. The opinion of yourself will always determine how high you fly in life. Expressing your feelings is a good thing only a method required on how to express them in order to invite positive attitude and avoid negative attitude. Positive attitude helps to carry on with daily chores.
It makes it easy to avoid negative attitude and worries. With positive attitude other things seems to be happening by itself. If you adopt positive attitude you will see a brighter side of life. Positive attitude provides the following:
Ø  Success
Ø  Motivation  
Ø  Creativity
Ø  Inspiration
Ø  Clear and pure thinking
Ø  Bringing solution instead of problem
Ø  Happiness and love 

200 top of my achievement

1.    To be born alive.
2.    To grow up and manage to crawl, later manage to say the 1st word.
3.    To be able to interpret the message from parents which means my 5 senses started to function
@ Hearing
@ Touching
@ Smelling
@ Sight
@ Tasting.
4.    The 1st day at school.
5.    Pass all my classes from pre-primary, junior and secondary level.
6.    To enter the field of work with no proper qualification was an achievement.
7.    To bring a child in this world “Oh what a blessing” with no proper job “problem”.
8.    To be able to return back to school after years of working and do very good.
9.    I have National Diploma in Public Relations.
10. To be able to choose between good and bad right and wrong.
11. To build friendly relationships in each and every place I walk pass, at school, at work and at. Tertiary level too, in both student life and working class.
My list is endless, if we can compare it with a journey by train it is equal to move from Cape Town to Johannesburg and return back.

When I collect my mind and visualize my goals the only thing I know is that no matter how long did it take but I have achieved my goals. I just knew that Failure is not an option. With the help of my lovely grandmother I am dedicating these words for you “Fear of the unknown is dangerous” I will look forward not back. I have reached my goals but they do not end hear.

Motivation is a quiet thing 

Is it easy to find out what do you want in your life? If "yes" how can you find out? I thought it is easy in my opinion you need to do just a few things: Stop yelling and shouting and always jumping up and down showing people who you are. I am still of the opinion that at work places most managers used to be happy when they see their staff making up and down they think they are working. At the end of the day the business will sink down and be voted out of market. 
This is caused by too much yelling and shouting and jumping up and down as if there is something going on while there is nothing. All this need some time to sit down quietly and think carefully and let the thought to sink down so that the difference could be clearly seen between good and bad strategy to produce good results at the end. Your desires and aspirations are the same. The only thing needed is to take some time to be quiet and watch how things will work out for you and become a lot clearer.

What Motivates Me?

Is to be involved in many projects that are bringing necessary skills and knowledge of what the real world entail for me, and to be able to explore my little knowledge on to them. I have been motivated and always had a desire to be well educated, since motivation is a quiet thing I decided to be quiet too until today. I want to be involved and be successful in my job, any kind of a professional job.
I have always wanted to be called as a graduate. By the time Naledi Pandor was a Minister of Education when she is speaking on SABC1 News I used to look at her and say inside me one day I will be like you.  
So do you agree with me when I say motivation is a quiet thing? My ability to work hard under pressure and be able to meet deadlines also motivates me. Knowing that my priorities will be met soon is another thing that motivates me. I am highly inspired by people who are doing well in their jobs, some of them are in my surrounding. I am dedicating a round of applause well done colleagues. You are making me not to be in a hurry and also to know that fears are learned, I need to keep focused. 

Self Esteem is the Foundation

Self esteem is just like a house or a business, they both require a foundation. In order to build a house you require a solid foundation whereas business needs good capital to stand. Your goals require the same too. In my opinion the only way to lift your self esteem is to know your goals. Wishes and dreams are for everyone. Even the homeless people are dreaming having beautiful homes and houses until the sunset for them. It is not that human beings are imperfect by nature  it is just that there is nothing like perfect in this world of the opposites where everything is just unpredictable where there is always someone prettier or less attractive , or more intelligent or less so , or wealthier or poorer than the others.
 In most instances we used to relate this to the perfect female body.  In the past decades our mothers were not suffering with obesity but in the 17-21st Century there is a vast rate of women with big bodies. This is resulting in most women loosing self esteem, developing hatred towards themselves through comments made by people they trust most. You can change what you accept and make it as a compliment by doing so you will not lack solid foundation to build yourself esteem. The other thing on building self esteem is acceptance. You can go to counseling sessions but if you do not want to accept they will not work.
Before seeing social workers convince yourself that you will also add to what they will say by being a social worker of yourself.

Friday, 3 August 2012

The elephant in the room
The term used “The elephant in the room” reminds me when I was growing up such terms used to be used to scare children. A Xhosa name of elephant (Indlovu) used to draw an image of how huge is this animal and how ugly it is? Whatever a child will be crying for immediately will keep quiet. Those were the wise words used by the elders to discipline their children according to their different stages of growth.

There were various parables that were uniting and disciplining children in those days that were taken into consideration. I remember that when the village requires some information they used to travel long distances looking for an elder person who was there during such incident that requires information. In the conversation the elder will be using some parables such as “A river cannot flow down the forest without carrying down some trees” If those representatives did not understand the meaning they will need to go and look for translators.

The term the elephant in the room was one of those hidden meanings. Maybe it was a term used to call a certain person in disguise because of how big or strong s/he is. In most instances such names used to be given to teachers more-especially during the times of corporal punishment at schools. That was caused by the way teachers represents themselves to learners then they used to be given their suitable names. In most cases these parables will be very ironic therefore a person needs to work out what is the meaning.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The elephant in the room

The term used “The elephant in the room” reminds me when I was growing up such terms used to be used to scare children. A Xhosa name of elephant (Indlovu) used to draw an image of how huge is this animal and how ugly it is? Whatever a child will be crying for immediately will keep quiet. Those were the wise words used by the elders to discipline their children according to their different stages of growth.

There were various parables that were uniting and disciplining children in those days that were taken into consideration. I remember that when the village requires some information they used to travel long distances looking for an elder person who was there during such incident that requires information. In the conversation the elder will be using some parables such as “A river cannot flow down the forest without carrying down some trees” If those representatives did not understand the meaning they will need to go and look for translators.

The term the elephant in the room was one of those hidden meanings. Maybe it was a term used to call a certain person in disguise because of how big or strong s/he is. In most instances such names used to be given in teachers more-especially during the times of corporal punishment at schools. That was caused by the way teachers represents themselves to learners then they used to be given their suitable names. In most cases these parables will be very ironic therefore a person needs to work out what is the meaning.

An example, passengers in a taxi need to pay for their fares. The money is collected according to the sits of the taxi. You will find out there are people who pay and collect other pupils change. That happened to me on my way to Durbanville when my change did reach my hands then I said hey guys “You cannot eat your cake and still have it”. Everybody laughed then I got my change. All I am saying is there is always an irony in these terms.