Sunday 12 August 2012


Pain in your body symbolizes that something needs attention it needs to be taken care off or repaired. This is also the same as the painful event that has ever happen into your life. But everything happens for a reason. If you deny the pain it fosters itself to be seen by everybody. This is the same as when someone is undergoing certain stress disorders and a person keep denying the fact, at a later stage a person just collapse. This is like a toothache the longer you leave it unattended the worse it gets and then you have to endure a lot more dramatic action like someone drilling a wall to hang curtains.
  Accept the pain, take action to heal it and you will grow faster whether emotional, spiritual and in life general. Remove postcards, photos and everything that makes you believe it is the cause of the pain. They are where you have been, replace by new photos that are making you happy and are showing a new direction of where you want to go. Stay focused stop looking where you come from but look where you going to. I just did. The stress response also helps you to rise and meet challenges.  Stress is what keep us doing our work and meet our deadlines, studying for our exams while we are suppose to be watching TV.

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