Friday, 30 March 2012

What colour is the wind?

In my opinion wind is colourless, I can associate wind with Green colour. The wind is performing nature which means wind is what we breathe, something that scientists can name it as Oxygen. I associate wind with the Green colour.
Oxygen is colourless, so what colour is the wind. Plants, trees and all other creatures including animals and human beings are using Oxygen to breathe so what colour is the wind. The Carbon Dioxide that we and animals breathe out is also derived from wind; it helps the plant to build up their chlorophyll. I associate wind with the Green colour
 When the Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide combine together they produce green colour in plants, these are also derived from wind. Therefore what colour is the wind because Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide are colourless. I associate wind with the Green colour.
When the wind blows we only feel that there is something passing by that hits us with no harm, this thing has a steam in such into an extent that it can move a 5000 gallon tank, it can move the roof of the house with its power. What colour is this thing? I associate wind with the Green colour
That wind is blowing water in seas and dams to produce water vapour, it causes droughts in many areas and nobody sees when taking water in dams is but dams can be seen dry after heavy winds and the water vapour is formed.  Therefore what colour is the water vapour? I associate wind with the Green colour.  
When we reach summer season we became excited because of rains that will be falling, all that is created by winds that blows seas and dams. Therefore what colour is the wind? I associate wind with the Green colour.
Wind is colourless and all other things that I associate with it are colourless. I picked the Green colour because wind natures. Therefore what colour is the wind? I associate wind with the Green colour.
Which colour would you pick?

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