Friday, 14 September 2012

There is no such thing as bad publicity

I work for a Non-Profit Organisation NPO as a Junior Public Relations. In my first day of resuming my duties, there was a crisis. The external stakeholders involve are satisfied by the outcome of the memorandum of understanding that they have build with the NPO. Therefore, they decided to go on public, fortunately for them whomever they went to allowed them to announce on air allegations about the organizations without calling anyone in the organization.

“All publicity is good if it is intelligent” by Oscar Wilde. The only thing worse than being talked about is the one that is not mentioned. We received a huge hail of threats and insults then we had no choice but to call the Radio Station managers refused to respond but the secretary gave us the contact details of the person that went on air without consulting us to confirm if the allegations were true or false.
With immediate effect we contacted the responsible person, we soon set up the meeting same time we sat down and set the records straight after the meeting adjourned everybody was happy. In the following day, the business was normal and operated in a more pleasant manner than ever. It is recognised by people because it went on air intentionally. What a nice publicity. Therefore, there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Monday, 10 September 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time.
You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time this sounds like a parable that I once heard when I grew up that “you cannot beat two birds by one stone”. In the past few years I used to sit down and think deep about how could this happen. As I grow older, I started to realize their meanings. Truly speaking these referred to things that used to be impossible but there are those who make them possible. An example studying while working, being a parent while working or studying is one of those. Then when a person is moaning about the challenges s/he encounters you will hear the voice of an elder saying “you cannot chase to rabbits at the same time”.
I think what is important here is to think strategically, if you want to do two things at the same time an example working and studying, you have to think of long-term goals, work and school the whole year is not an overnight decision to make. Number one you need to look at your finances, travelling arrangements, work interruptions, did you choose the right studies, children arrangements at home etc, etc. If one can manage these things then it is possible to chase two rabbits at the same time. Referring to the rabbits and an example of a bird given just insert traps you can catch them both. Don’t you think this might work?

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea” (Alain).

An idea is any thought come to mind at a certain moment, it used to include a planning of something worthy or something unpleasant. These ideas may appear as images in your mind or something practically happening at a moment that will bring an idea. This is part of a human nature, although these ideas may put a human in jail for the rest of their lives while on the other side may raise the name of such particular person to be a Nobel peace prize.
As I start moving closer and closer to my final year of being a student, it is killing me not knowing where I am going to end up or what kind of a job will I be doing. I have a few ideas as to which categories of Public Relations I would like to attempt but the problem is will I meet the expectations of the company. I am confident inside me that if I can be granted a chance to show my areas of expertise I will make it. The big question is how many ideas I have.
According to Alain there is, “Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea”.  What if I will be working in a company that I do not want, where my mind will stuck, lose ideas and be lost with the only idea I had. When the situation is at this stage, the only thing we can do is to keep our “faith” and “hope”. When we return to Alain, at least I have two ideas “faith” and “hope” and in these two ideas that is where I can keep my strength so that I do not engage myself in a danger of having one idea.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Life has not been easy but as I always say, the world reflects how you feel about yourself and in order to change that lift opinion of yourself and the world will start to improve. If you lower the opinion of yourself the world mirror your thinking and you will start thinking negative and figure out the second head fake. The only way to fight that is to change you.
Prof Randy Pausch once said “achieving your own dreams, overcoming obstacles, seizing every moment”… and at the end of his speech asked the following: Did you figure out the head fake? It is not about how to achieve your dreams. It is about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself; the dreams will come to you. Did you figure out the second head fake? The talk is not for you. It is for my kids. To understand this better you need to know that the “head fake” he is speaking of means learning something indirectly or an indirect message … as he said in his speech”

I am.....

I am Thembakazi Myataza, I am born at Eastern Cape. I am a God fearing woman. I am a woman of my vision and always target my goals. I am a person who believes to give time to her because that is not selfish. I like making my hands dirty but in a good way. I believe in constructive criticism that is where I receive strength and courage. I always look forward for better success; I do not look back as if I am in a steering wheel using a rear view mirror. I always stay focused and remember that motivation is a quiet thing.  Failure is one thing I know it is not an option because I believe that I am always in a right place at a right time.
When I lost wealth, I believe I have lost nothing, when I lost a member of my family or a friend I feel at least I lost something but when I lose character I have lost it all. Therefore, I manage to keep my character the only thing left for you to judge it on one condition, if you are allowed to judge. I dress for success, the metaphor is I have a vision of who do I want to be. That is who I am….