Thursday 26 April 2012

Suffering in Cape Town

In 2001 when I arrived in Cape Town, I came to my uncle, what I never know about him is the fact that he never had a house in Cape Town or a shack. He was very shocked and weighed down when he saw me and said, “I thought you were joking when you said you want to come to Cape Town”.  He was a well-known man because he was a diesel mechanic for Motale’s bus services in Gugulethu.

I just do as they said, because I had no choice the house belongs to them; the sad part was that I would stand in front of the door not knowing where to go. In the end when the proprietor decides to call me, she will call me to come back to the house after hours of standing outside in the cold. I used to send a small prayer and say: As a world looks upon me as I struggle alone, as I do not have much money but Lord I have you and to you my Lord it is all what matters and I wish they could see, Thank you my Lord. Through those, few words look where I am now.

1 comment:

  1. wow, it's amazing what we don't realise by looking at someone. You are a strong and brave person for leaving home and not knowing what awaits you in a new city. And as you have said, look at what you have achieved by taking that leap of faith, great post!
